Awww, one of my absolute favorite bloggers, Brittany, gave me the "Blogger BFF Award." I am so excited because I really do consider her a blogger BFF. Thank you Britt! Lucky you guys, this award doesn't require me to tell any weird/random/"interesting" facts about myself. It just requires me to pass it on. So I am going to pass this award on to 5 bloggers that I would love to grab a drink or 4 with if we ever met in person.
1.Mandee at The Bear Naked Truth. Mandee and I have talked on The Nest, on FB, and on G-Chat. There is no doubt the NewlyHusband and I would have a blast with Mandee and her Mr MandeeFoFandee.
2. Carissa at Carissa Jaded. Carissa is adorable and fun and clumsy --like me, although I have never broken anyone's arm doing a super awesome kick ;) If she was ever down in my neck of the woods, we would have to grab a glass (read:bottle) of wine together.
3. LiLu at Liv It, Luv It. Um did ya'll see how many 20sb awards this chick got? And her karaoke videos? Who wouldn't want to grab a drink with her? LiLu- you, me, and some Sweet Caroline karaoke style if I ever make it to DC.
4. TKOG at Not That Kind of Girl. I'll be honest- I'd be scared of what kind of NTKOG stuff I'd be getting into by hanging out with her. :) But she does live in my favorite city in the US and I think it'd be fun. Heck, I could probably use a NTKOG moment.
5. Vanessa at Caramel Covered Photographs. I know Vanessa got this award from Britt also, but I can't do this list and not include her. We have soo much in common that I know we'd get along fabulously.
Thanks again Brittany!